Mercedes Benz C250D
My experimentation on my Mercedes Benz C250D started after I was totally and utterly disappointed by the lack of commitment and utter incompetence displayed by a "diesel mechanic" who came highly recommended —by my brother of all people. When I initially bought the C250D she started with difficulty, besides the injectors were a bit noisy. This wasn't too huge of a problem, because once she started, she would continue to start and drive perfectly normal throughout the day. However, if left overnight, air would somehow seep into the fuel line and the struggle to get the engine started resumed the following morning. To alleviate this problem, I went and bought a can of "Spanjaard Quick Start" spray for diesel engines; in order to get the engine started for the "first start of the day"... everyday! It's what I needed to do and was willing to do, to overcome her "morning sickness".Spanjaards Quich Start Spray |

However, even though I understood mechanicals fairly well and was pretty much able to do all my own repairs; I disliked always smelling like oil or fuel and detested that my hands and nails always looked dirty, even after I had cleaned them thoroughly. I therefore preferred outsourcing my mechanical work to a qualified mechanic or two. Always thinking that they could or rather would do a better job than me. But boy, was I wrong!
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The replacement set of injectors with complete threads |
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The injectors that were in the engine. Look at the rightmost injector - the treads are all damaged with only 4 left as opposed to 7 |
My initial contact with Joe was somewhat moronic. After I explained about the "morning sickness" and the diesel in the injector wells and the noisy injectors, he gave me a song and dance about having to remove the injectors. Adding that they would have to be serviced, and that they needed to be pressure tested, blah blah blah and the repair cost would be R5500.00. Ending off that it would take four days. I felt he was a a bit expensive but since Joe didn't know that I knew exactly what needed to be done, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and the go-ahead. Especially considering that he was one of my brother's fellow diesel mechanics.
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Engine with replaced Injectors |
I later came to realize, it was the mistake of my mistakes. I might as well have distributed my cash among the street beggars because I would at least have felt that I had gotten more bang for my buck than the flack I received in return from Joe. Four days later, I went to fetch my car and it wasn't ready. His excuse was that Mercedes Benz agents only had 3 copper Injector Heat Shield Washers in stock and that he needed 5, promising that I could get my car back in within a week. I eventually got the car back; and the very next morning the C250D wouldn't start —and in the process I drained the battery. Some "Spanjaard Quick Start" spray later and a jump start got the C250D going once again.
Slightly pissed, I took the car back to Joe. Enroute I smelled diesel as before and stopped along the road, only to see that my black plastic rocket/cylinder head cover wasn't replaced and that each of the wells were partially filled with diesel. I was furious, because in exchange for my payment, at the very least I expected Joe to fix this problem, as well as the no cold starting problem and he did neither. Joe wasn't in that day, so I dealt with his son Abe. He asked me to leave the car with him and that he would relay my complaint to Joe. Three days later I phoned Joe to get a progress report. I was told to collect my car the following day.
On my arrival and in Joe's absence, Abe told me that the C250D wasn't done because the local Mercedes Agents didn't have the required thickness leak-off pipe in stock and that they needed to fetch the correct thickness from the Mercedes Benz Agency in Somerset West. Three days later I got the car back and it appeared that the leak-off pipes problem was fixed. However the no cold starting problem persisted which I only came to discover the following morning. Once again, I took my back and when I arrived that Joe's workshop they were in the process of moving to a alternative premises. Joe then asked me to give him a few days to settle in and bring my car to the new business premises.
Two weeks later I took the C250D back and told Joe about the original no cold starting problem which he then said he would fix. Following day I got a call from Joe, saying that he checked every connection and that would have to replace all the transparent pipes at a cost of R1500.00. He assured me it would solve the problem, so once again I gave him the go ahead. Three days later I got the car back. I then checked on the repairs that were effected, only to discover that the transparent diesel pipes looked like they weren't replaced. So I called Joe to inquire why he had charged me R1500 and didn't replace them. He replied that the transparent pipes were replaced, but with a "good second hand" set.
I wasn't really unhappy because I was under the impression that I was paying for a new set of pipes. The following morning, the no cold starting problem was back. In fact it was never fixed, so once again I relied on the quick start spray to get the engine going so that I could take it back to Joe. After haggling over the age of the car and the unknown pressure of the injector pump, Joe suggested that he fit an in-line electrical fuel pump to siphon the diesel from the tank, making it easy for the injector pump to get to the required pressure. All I can say is that I paid another R750.00 for the in-line electrical diesel pump and labour and it didn't solve the problem.
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Electric fuel pump that wasn't needed in the first place |
Whilst driving the car, I could hear a very high pitch whistle emitting from the engine but couldn't initially identify it, but after seeing the top of the engine was wet with diesel on switch off, I knew it had to come from some where. I then dried the top of the engine, covered it with brown paper, started it and monitored it. After a few minutes, I saw the oily marks of the diesel appear through the brown paper above the injector closest to the firewall. I found that there was a very aerosol-like fine spray squirting from the injector well. On closer inspection, I heard that the high pitch whistle was coming from the injector and realized it was caused by the spray escaping from the cylinder. So looking down the well, I saw the bottom of the injector well covered with a wet black coal-like crusty substance, and knew I had it had a case of "black death".
This problem commonly occurs with Mercedes diesel engines when one or more of its injector seals leak. This "black death" problem can arise when an already used heat shield washer is fitted or inserted upside down (wrong way round) or the injector isn't sufficiently torqued or the injector seat is damaged. As a result, uncombusted diesel and exhaust gases escape past the injector seal, or rather forced out of the cylinder by exhaust compression. This forms a black coal-like hard to remove crust in the injector wells , which will only get worse if not remedied. Installing heat shield washers upside down can damage the injector seat causing it to leak. The only way to correct this problem is to ream out the injector port with an injector seat cutter, insert a new heat shied washer the correct way and torque it to recommended tension.
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The 5 heat shields and their used counterparts- correct way up |
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I always knew that if you want something done properly then it best to do it yourself. So that's exactly what I decided to do. I went online, found the requisite injector spanner and ordered it on e-bay, and it was delivered within 40 days. It is described as 1/2" drive, 22mm Diesel Injector Socket Tool For Mercedes Benz OM604 OM605 OM606 ... 1993–1995 W202 C 250 D.
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Assembled engine with replacement injectors. |